Seriously Jagex?
If you're going to do something, see it through to the end. Don't bring back your obsolete servers, IMPROVE the EOC. Letting 12 year olds dds spec eachother is not worth dividing up the community even further. What's the point? So many things will be absent from the 2007 version, that the 2007 community will whine and complain about not receiving the updates we do. "Only want return of pking and wildy and specs back"
Don't cater to the noobs. Then again, 13 year olds running around with mommy's and daddy's credit cards probably bring in more revenue than a responsible adult.
2007scape will become irrelevant just like Rsc. Not worth the time or support.
6/10 I'm actually somewhat mad.
13-Feb-2013 18:29:53