Why waste time with this dumb idea to try and claw back all your lost members instead of prioritizing the repair of the main game.
We are still infested with bots and gambling and your dumb botwatch is yet to go live.
Why cant we have a REFERENDUM ON RESTRICTED TRADE which would end this problem as it did in 08. There would be no gambling, no rwt, minimal bots, no scamming and a significant decrease in phishing and hacking.
Trade Limit at its worse was a minor inconvenience. Look at all the problems it can solve with a simple update. Im sure every legit player would vote yes to solve these problems and live with an inconvenience than have the game remain as it is.
bot watch is live in some spots
if look at where new accounts spawn its starting to take them out there now as well
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
15-Feb-2013 00:01:08