I won't be voting as I don't agree that it should go ahead. Under different circumstances I would definitely have voted, but the way a large part of the community has behaved since just before the EoC beta launch has been down right disgusting.
Players were excited for the beta servers, then they didn't give the EoC a real try in the beta (evidently, as not enough feedback was given over the course of the beta, which forced an early release in which we are now playing a live version with several flaws; all of which could've been ironed out properly if people weren't so stubborn in the first place). Fair enough, people don't have to like the EoC, but there are thousands upon thousands of people who will sign this petition/poll who have had minimal contact with the EoC.
Also, since the launch of the EoC the Future Updates sub-forum has been unfairly inundated with 'F#@k EoC!!' and '2006scape pls' threads, much to the annoyance of the members of the community who are using the aforementioned sub-forum for it's intended purposes (i.e not to beg for a possible thing; it's bad enough when people post suggestions there). Within these threads there have been horrible, obnoxious brats shouting their views and, a fair few times, being straight up offensive and abusive to anybody who dares offer an alternate opinion or view (or even anybody who tries guiding their view to the correct area of the forums).
So no, I won't be voting, as much as I would like to re-live my time back in 2007. It's not about cutting my nose off to spite my face, it's about principal, and if I vote for these servers then I'm condoning the actions of thousands and thousands of spoilt, ill-mannered, abusive members of the 'community' who, for months, have every day been a pain in my arse.
P.S. This is just a generalisation of the vast swathes of posters in the future updates sub-forum over the past few months. This doesn't apply to all you rational people who conducted themselves fairly and justly.
14-Feb-2013 17:12:34