It's nice to see some words from the office. I'd have to say 2012 was a bit of a roller coaster, but I definitely enjoy what has come from it (Micro-payments aside).
The EOC was a huge step, but definitely in the right direction. Combat as a whole is so much more involving now, and still has the option to activate momentum and no-click through combat. It definitely offers the best of both worlds.
I must admit that insta-kill darts, and the other membership rewards were a bit overboard in mid-2012, but it looks like you became a bit more conservative by the end of the year. I personally would like to see events that run an entire week and have a time limit cap of 2 days, rather than events that only stand for the weekends. I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefers to go out on weekends.
I would definitely like to see more of a combination of combat and non-combat requirements going hand-in hand when it comes to new content (especially high level content). Player owned ports were a great *tart, and I still find that I spend a lot of my time around them. It would probably be beneficial to create future content with both the combat and non-combat themes, promoting the training of multiple skills.
1) Are there any plans to truly fix the gambling problems (combat rwt/scams)?
2) Can we expect the mage/range equivalents of Drygore weapons in 2013, or will the combat triangle by uneven for the year?
3) Will future bosses give us a reason to use the highest tier armour available? Currently it is still not required (despite Mod Marks attempted hype).
4) Will non-combat skilling requirements be seen more often in the game? Currently there is little reason to train non-combat skills.
Thanks for your hard work. Best of luck in 2013!
23-Jan-2013 16:37:34