"At any rate, once they leave we'll have a playerbase that understands tolerance towards one another and loves what the game is becoming - not the past. We'll still share our fond memories. The goal is to simply wait until the forums are cleaned up..."
That is probably one of the most hypocritical statements I have ever read in my life. First off, it is mainly the pro-EoC players hating on players that don't agree with them. I will admit there has been a few anti-EoC players hating on pro-EoC players but they are few and far between whereas almost ALL of the pro-Eoc players are hating on those that don't agree and this buffoon (sorry for player hating but I hate hypocrisy, I believe the only reason to "player hate" is if it is towards a player hater or otherwise provoked) is one of them. How is these players desire to get their own servers hurting anyone? Are you that afraid that their servers will be full to capacity while yours will be near empty and that Jagex may consider taking away the EoC that you seem to love?
Oh, and while we are on the subject, will you be leaving the game Zer0mus? It seems to me that you and your kind will be the ones that need to leave Rune$cape for there to ever be a "tolerant community" Zer0mus, since you are the one being intolerant to other peoples wants/wishes..
27-Jan-2013 21:19:04