I'm with you on the PK tactics, when they attack skillers who are set for max skilling load it isn't much different than a band of 5th graders going about shaking down kindergardeners, and 1st graders for their milk money.
@the whiners against EoC
It seems that the whiners in this thread about the loss of "pures", missed the part of the information about why the EoC included the change in the combat levels where it was pointed out that "pures" were actually an exploit of an imbalance in the combat level system, and were not at all intended. In other worde "pures" were being removed intentionally because they were not part of the way the game was intended to be.
Also while you people claim to represent most or all of the players of RS, have any of you taken the time to note how many posts opposing EoC are from accounts that are F2P? Have you paid any attention to the ratio of member account posts that favor, are in the middle, and are against the EoC? While I didn't take the time to read every post, and tabulate the views, I did get the impression that most of those against EoC were non member accounts, with some of them admitting that they don't even play at all any more, and some of those stating that they only come on the forums here to complain about EoC. I also got the impression that the member accounts posting against EoC are in the minority.
26-Jan-2013 01:59:04
- Last edited on
26-Jan-2013 02:06:07
Dawgin It