All I see in this post is a CEO who is desperate to claw back a long lost community that will NEVER rejoin this game and for VERY good reasons.
I had played RuneScape for 10 year's, both on this account and another. I cannot even bare to look at the website now it's got that bad.
1) You do NOT care about the community in a genuine way, all you are concerned about is earning money for JaGeX. Rightly so a company has to make money, however the company will no last long when money is put before your player base, for this very reason is why there are ONLY 75,000 / 120,000 online players on average per day, your recent "Success" in shutting down a well known private server was laughable, considering the very website had approx 250,000 individual I.P's registered just proved how many players where WILLING to leave RuneScape for a poorly developed remake.
2) As far as I'm aware, your "investments" into RuneScape have only made the game worse, you have implemented Graphics which most Java Applications struggle to handle thus limiting your player base, you have also devalue'd the skill's and economy so much now that it is IMPOSSIBLE to train most skills without cheating/gambling/botting, your EOC update also left your player base significantly reduced considering it essentially made a lot of combat skills useless and irrelevant, Slayer is a prime example considering the only valid skill for training the skill is Magic.
3) Poor development choices WILL destroy this company it's just a waiting game from now on, for all the advertising I still have yet to see an increase in your player base, also Transformers Universe appears to be the least desired internet MMO currently in development, I not seen ONE person show interest in the game for good reason.
So please, before making a typical "Trust me and our company" you should consider the fact that the only people gullible to believe it are new players.
~A gladly Quit RuneScape player
24-Jan-2013 17:07:09