the thing i loved most about this:
"The Squeal of Fortune (and, to a lesser extent, Solomon’s General Store) has always been a heated topic of discussion. I won’t sugar-coat this: these additions were - and are - vital for growing RuneScape. They allowed us to double the size of RuneScape’s team and keep up the near-weekly game updates"
personally i hated these updates but i could accept them. the updates themselves were not what made me angry.
what did was that every time Jagex came out and said something about the SoF, they would talk about it like everyone loved it and that it was generally supported by almost all of the community when it was blatantly obvious that it was the exact opposite. i remember one time they said something to the extent of 'our statistics show that around 90% approve of the SoF, 5% are indifferent, and 5% do not approve'.
That made me furious
you're not fooling anyone, we're not idiots, don't treat us like we are. you could hardly go anywhere at first without seeing some form of opposition. even an idiot could tell that the SoF wasn't welcome here.
all i wanted was for Jagex to drop the act and admit that it was a near universally disliked update and say that it was necessary for funding and not just a fun treat to the players. now i'm ok with it again.
23-Jan-2013 20:55:45
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2013 20:56:52