
What's Coming & What's Going

Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186

Mace Brown

Mace Brown

Posts: 1,110 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for the insight.

Whatever you are up to do, you should place the bot problem on top of your priority list. A game with (payed for) content that is *not playable* due to bots is ... well, compared to a human body it's full of cancer.
Not to start speaking about all the other negative impact botting has. But not being able to mine, to chop, to fish, to slay in many, many areas is an all but appealing gaming experience for veterans and for new players.

Now I understand that a technical and failproof solution takes time and carefull implementing. Till it is all ready you should throw in some manpower to run clean up sessions. This won't solve the problem, but it would be a better pr-stunt then just talking about how good things will be in who-knows-how-far-away future. It would give players being frustrated about the situation a push in morale and, in fact, be a good way to "better communication".
Speaking of communication, why not script a topic listing the banned botting accounts automatically? I know "name and shame" isn't your way, but it is not naming real people, it is naming accounts. It would help lots too really have visible proof of action taken.

If you don't have the ressources (after doubling your teams size) - delay some other plans. I'd gladly see some existing game content *now* be playable again for the price of getting some future content a bit later.

Best regards,

23-Jan-2013 13:26:15

D Domino1
Sep Member 2007

D Domino1

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i did enjoy reading this. it makes me exited to 2013. i really hope you guys can win then battle against bots, we know its an endless war but whit moar defense it will be harder to bot :)

second thing about the micro transactions. i was thinking, did you guys planned this before to use all the income of those things directly, and looked at the xp rates what you could get from lamps? because sof did a big damage. solomon, well i cant say its a bad thing mainly because i bought a lot of things (most teleports :3), but keep it cosmetic and it wont damage the game and you guys wont get hate on it.

and the community events are GREAT!, i really like those things :) en keep those things up.
as many players saying this game is dyeing, well i see the changes in something that we need to learn again how to play this game.

the graphical part of the game doesn't really effect me because i play this game as enjoyment of grinding, the lore, and my friends :)

new skills of course great to hear this is coming! (but wait please till i get my max cape :p)

i wish you guys good luck to make greater content then 2012 :)

d domino1 :D
Bonds 4 Domino's Pizza!

23-Jan-2013 13:26:33 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 13:28:40 by D Domino1



Posts: 448 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
make momentum a basic ability and maybe increase the time to 30 mins and not 20.

try and work out how its not a loss in xp aswell.

maybe even make an old animation for combat while using mometum available in loyalty points/sgs, if thats possible.

23-Jan-2013 13:27:10

Im The Land

Im The Land

Posts: 547 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's nice to get a thank you.
I hope 2013 is a good year for Scape, I believe it will be. Mistakes will always be made but it shouldn't be about making them, just how you rectify them and recover from them.
I for one, enjoy playing the game. That's something I've not been able to honestly say for a good number of years.


23-Jan-2013 13:27:53



Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice thread,but there's a big misunderstanding here.
1st of all , bots isnt number 1 problem now it's COMBAT,
most of players doesnt seem to be concerned,that a lot of high level players leaves this game. But there's a reason for that.
New players... they don't really care much about combat they're all into skilling,testing things and all that, for us older players - player who had clans, were a lot into wilderness , pking and team killing... it's all over...just like that - eoc killed it all.
While there's thousands of complains every day about eoc jagex doesnt do ANYTHING.
so you're pretty much lying - by saying that you care "our opinion" there's also very big player decrease and it's going down ever since eoc came...So at least maybe now you will understand whats the point rs is dying day by day...and it's sad that this game lost it's all excitement ... i used to be waking up early to play it... to go wild or monster hunt with friends, while combat was unique and easy... and now ... well u decide...

23-Jan-2013 13:28:04

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 33,509 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Mmg: "While some of you were really happy and others didn't feel too strongly either way, there were others of you who felt angry, ignored, and - at times – even confused by Jagex’s decision making. We’ve not always explained ourselves well, nor listened to you well enough, and for that I’d like to apologise."

Definitely feel ignored, you've recognised that one, but what are you going to do to fix that? I would just like to see those staff who are responsible for content updates to start actually using the feedback forums to discuss with players the ideas that many have put a lot of effort into to put into words.

I didn't write a detailed 10 post feedback thread focusing specifically on Castle Wars so that I could remind myself and other players of how badly the EoC has affected it. I wrote it to help the development team at Jagex to improve it, but of course if no Jagex Mod comments on such threads, how do we know if they've read it, or understood the issue?

Mod Mmg: "The EoC beta (another first for RuneScape) had well over 4 months of your feedback, with huge amounts of balancing and revision of the content. However, looking back this was clearly still not enough for such a big update."

Again, you've recognised the problem, but what are you going to fix the problem that you have created? I've paid membership for this game for 7 years, but I'm sorry, I'm not going to pay to be a bug tester for you. There are clearly a ridiculous amount of balancing issues and I do not feel like I am ready to pay to play this game yet in its current state.
Cabbage? CABBAGE!

23-Jan-2013 13:28:25 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 13:28:59 by ScapeRune

Nath x
Dec Member 2023

Nath x

Posts: 438 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
we thank you jagex for Sticking with the community to make runescape what it is today, Its not just a game, it's a community, which i'm proud to be a part of, and will be part of for many years to come!
here is to another great year of scaping!

Join me and other friends in Mod Mark's FC! Go W00ters!

23-Jan-2013 13:28:25

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