Thanks for the insight.
Whatever you are up to do, you should place the bot problem on top of your priority list. A game with (payed for) content that is *not playable* due to bots is ... well, compared to a human body it's full of cancer.
Not to start speaking about all the other negative impact botting has. But not being able to mine, to chop, to fish, to slay in many, many areas is an all but appealing gaming experience for veterans and for new players.
Now I understand that a technical and failproof solution takes time and carefull implementing. Till it is all ready you should throw in some manpower to run clean up sessions. This won't solve the problem, but it would be a better pr-stunt then just talking about how good things will be in who-knows-how-far-away future. It would give players being frustrated about the situation a push in morale and, in fact, be a good way to "better communication".
Speaking of communication, why not script a topic listing the banned botting accounts automatically? I know "name and shame" isn't your way, but it is not naming real people, it is naming accounts. It would help lots too really have visible proof of action taken.
If you don't have the ressources (after doubling your teams size) - delay some other plans. I'd gladly see some existing game content *now* be playable again for the price of getting some future content a bit later.
Best regards,
23-Jan-2013 13:26:15