Man this community really does blow, I honestly can't believe people are complaining about 6 months of free 07scape, FREE 6 MONTHS even though we didn't hit the 500k mark for it to be free no matter what, of course this community finds something to cry about all the time, I think the worst part is is that the 07 community probably won't be much better than the eoc community.
Everyone just keeps thinking Jagex is all about money, here's a tip people, IT'S A COMPANY, so it has to be ran like one which means... yes that's correct, THEY HAVE TO MAKE MONEY TO CONTINUE RUNNING RUNESCAPE. Good lord, everyone is just stupid and/or greedy, they just want more more more more, it's never enough for them.
They took out the wildy and free trade to try and kill off gold farming and botters, and it worked so amazingly but of course, people complained about it and ragequit, I honestly think that's when the community was at it's best, when you couldn't lure and do all of that stuff, yeah the community was good in 06 when I joined, but it still seemed good with the removal of wildy and free trade and as soon as it came back!
BAM people begging for money like there was no tomorrow, why? Because they were botters who got hacked. I honestly am ashamed to be part of such a childish community that can't enjoy or appreciate what's being given to them after they've been CRYING ABOUT IT FOR LITERALLY YEARS. But I'll never quit this game because I love this game, at first I used to play mostly for my friends and the community, but honestly now I just play this game because I love it, kind of makes me a bit sad to see so many people like this... "L0L JAMFLEX ONLY CARES ABOUT MONIES".
I hope 07scape brings some good old players back with real morals.
01-Mar-2013 16:31:39