While I am not a fan of the 07 servers and find EOC an easy pill to swallow, despite still having some rough edges that still need some tweaking to get everything straight I guess it is nice that the people who refuse to adapt can go and make an account on the 07 servers. I find it quite annoying how many people essentially want rs pre eoc combat wise and cant even be happy with the fact the 07 server has been released. If eoc killed your pleasure of RS entirely, you obviously have either 1) have not taken the time to truly give it a chance or 2) don't know how to play... Yes Eoc has pretty well screwed up pvp, I will agree, it needs some work to get it decent again. But as far as pvm, leveling, etc goes, I can not see the complaint, other than now you have to interact for combat unless you choose to be lazy and use momentum, mind you interacting gives better xp and speed.
Anyways, all bitching and moaning aside It will be interesting to see how the 07 server does in the long term. I find it humorous you have extended the free play for rs members and are going to throw in a support team, I mean realistically who would play a game that isnt going to have any kind of team doing some sorts of adjustments, as far as the fee quit ******* whining. all you eoc haters just pay for 07 and N O T eoc... and it will be like you only had an eoc account... except you will be on 07 instead. Guess its only a matter of time now. I am looking forward to TWW. Hope the 07 server is everything the people who cant adapt to eoc hoped for, or at least that they can live with it, since eoc is here to stay.
01-Mar-2013 07:18:37
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01-Mar-2013 07:19:38