ONE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **PLEASE READ** ****IMPORTANT****
Q: Why does 450k votes NOT ensure a larger development team? Why the small development team of 250k votes; we were only 50k votes off; why not round up? Surely 200k votes matters!
IF RS 07 DOES NOT HAVE constant, weekly updates, the game WILL FAIL, pure and simple. It needs to be updated AS FREQUENTLY as modern eoc runescape to attract NEW PLAYERS and to be a success in the long term. Surely you cannot expect the game to "grow" in the next 6 months if you do not constantly update it as you would had we received over 500k votes. The 250k 'cut' off isn't going to 'cut' it long term (no pun intended).
I know what I'm talking about. I've been playing rs since 2001, since I was 9 years old. I started only a few months after it came out. I've seen the comings and goings around here.
P.S. This poll would have made the wilderness poll of 1m+ votes look like nothing if you had opened the vote to free players, and that's a given. Since you are only looking at this from a business standpoint, however, you have alienated hundreds of thousands of free players who would have voted 'yes.' I estimate you would have received over 1m votes.
So treat old Rs just as you do modern rs. MORE THAN HALF OF the total players on runesape already play 2007, which is clearly an indication that almost half of your players are NOT happy with EOC. Don't be blind to the reality. If old runescape overshadows EOC in the next month (and it will unless you conspire to purposefully not update old rs for some reason), prepare the eulogy: EOC will die. Why? Because 2007/08 rs was a better game.
This isn't nostalgia talking either. You've had to compensate for lack of sales by creating artificial in-game wheel of fortunes,etc. which you would have MORALLY been opposed to just 5 years ago. KEEP UPDATING OLD RS and see what happens to eoc!
Please answer my question. Thank you again!
Very respectfully yours,
King of Serb
01-Mar-2013 02:30:16