OK , listen....please...i am on your side like 90 percent of the time jagex , i love old school and eoc....but there is one MAJOR problem. bots. they pretty much ruin this game and make it pointless and when you say " zero tolerance " that is a joke...if it was really like that then you would not give them a three strikes and your out...it is OBVIOUSLY against the rules and there not that stupid , they need to be ip banned instantly for ever if you want even a tiny chance in beating bots. yeah that's harsh , but desperate times call for desperate measures. and also , how can you NOT put in your very best anti bot measures in 2007? what is the point of the game if it has bots and you really need to stop them if your gonna be boasting about your zero tolerance thing. Lastly , OPEN YOUR EYES jagex , there are already bots in the game , you really think people are having 90's and millions already legit? just go to youtube and look it up...there spreading fast and it is confirmed. i will admit i have no job , or school and live with my parents and play all day , and have been known as a know it all of rs and train every day on this old school....and there are still tons of people who make my score look like nothing thanks to bots probably.
And even tho i do not think any mod will read this all....i just say this all in a desperate way for a simple request.....please give it your ALL jagex , aka.....
Zero tolerance....Before you lose your game , aka the legit players.
28-Feb-2013 17:45:19