I agree with the post on page 39 from Sullys Gal
we've heard the same old thing trotted out again and again..."we are working on it"....or "we wont tolerate cheats in our community" and all sorts of variatons on those words.
in response to posts on the subject bots, the most sympathy I have ever seen expressed by a Mod was more or less "report them and move on"...reporting takes up a lot of time and seems to be a total waste of THAT time because if it was prudent to do so, in this thread, I could reel-off a whole list of names of bots I personally know to be long-standing offenders...from venues where I frequently visited in levelling my last skill to 99.I am sure at least some of them leave their bot running 24/7 !
instead of spending too many "man hours" on creating "pretty" graphics etc., Jagex needs to devote more time to dealing with reports on bots.
on page one of this thread Bo'sun Mr. Daba says name and shame the bots ! to that I would add we need and want to know how long it takes for reports on bots to be processed by Jaegx...if we report a bot today, for example, how many weeks or months hence might it be before the report is dealt with, and in the meanrtime the bot is laughing all the way to the bank, so to speak, and not only that, probably and possibly changes his or her username to aovid being caught"
05-Jan-2013 07:05:33
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05-Jan-2013 07:07:22