Looking at any place on RS you'll find bots without problem. What this post tells and what the games reality shows does not match at all.
Whereever there's a monster with worthwile drops, there are bots too. Fruit bat bots, ess mining bots, mining bots, all sorts of minigame bots, this type of bot, that type of bot; they are everywhere and their numbers seem to increase daily.
In fact, Runescape should change the "MMORPG" to "MBORPG" on the main page.
Anyways, while I don't believe Jagex is after the bot account membership payments (in which case something like Clusterflutterer wouldn't have been pulled through), I believe they fail to adjust their own ressources right regarding this issue. As long as a failproof technical solution is not finally developed, there need to be put human ressources into the fight for the time being. Remove some of your employees from developing more content - a few updates less won't kill the game. The bots do!
And then start raids.
Not ingame JMOD bot raids, cause I am sure JAGEX has monitoring possibilites giving much better insight into an account than just looking at it from ingame.
But weather from ingame or using (hypothetical) monitoring systems: frequent and regular raids, clearing bot-crowded areas without warning and with no predictable sceme would, even if not stopping bots, make it at least harder for those using them, fight the huge impact bots have on the ingame economy and the games atmosphere, drain the gold farmers and rwt 'companies' flow of income and last, but not least give back legit players back a bit of hope and faith and the feeling there's really something done actually by Jagex.
Best regards,
19-Jan-2013 12:10:13