The botters/cheats should be named and shamed.
This is mainly because I know players who have boasted they've botted and/or abused a bug (the recent god statue one being a case in point) and haven't been banned... unsurprisingly, the account that hasn't been banned is always 'my main' or 'my pure' or 'my other' one - always unnamed of course!
The pity of this is that most people will believe the botters and not Jagex - so we need to have proof even it this means that they have to be named with levels/xp/length of play. Unless Jagex do this the botters will not only continue to cheat but other players will be tempted to do the same and the legitimate community lose even more good players.
While I don't condone botting/cheating (never done it, never will, not because I don't want to risk losing this account but because I consider cheating beneath me!) I can understand why some people could be tempted into it if they think that others are doing it with no consequences.
So, please Jagex, name and shame and give us the details so the cheaters can't carry on lying about not being banned.
Oh, and then make bans properly permanent and don't give them the chance to buy them back!
07-Jan-2013 17:34:23