Please tell me. New battle animation, showing a skill total while not in battle, change of combat level formula, hotkeys for items/actions - all these updates are not tied with the combat mechanics rework and are merely a convenience updates. Why didn't Jadex introduce it in the live game 5 months ago? People wouldn't complain about them, except probably combat formula. Dual-wielding can be also added here as an important, but not-so-game-changing addition. They had them ready 5 months ago. Why did they wait until the rest of evolution of combat is ready to release?
The only answer I can see, is to keep people distracted from the main update. Therefore we now see videos and comments saying "Runescape 3 allows faster skilling with power dropping! Wow, so it's not that bad! Woohoo, double wielding!". A logical move from Jadex for manipulating public opinion. But if you'd leave only the raw combat and armor upgrades: abilities, enforced combat triangle, randomly reworked armor - how excited people would be about this part alone?
As for me, simplicity itself is not the thing I like about this game. I like that it gives you a choice - to go no-brainer, equip the strongest weapon of choice and grind through monsters while relaxing with a cup of tea, or to prepare thoroughly, get prayer potions, hybrid the gear or even weapons, summon a familiar and go for a more challenging monster for more rewarding xp/h and gp/h. With the new combat system though, afking is nerfed even with Momentum and using the weapon of weakness of a monster is pretty much enforced. Which significant*y decrease my choice of what and how to do. This all in addition to horribly rushing and unpredictable manner with which Jadex brings this update to life.
I'll stay around for a few months, try the new system a bit more, but in all probability I'll quit, because the new game does not have the essential things I like in the current one. Farewell Runescape 2, good luck Runescape 3, but without me.
18-Nov-2012 12:21:08
- Last edited on
18-Nov-2012 12:21:55