@ iMouse:
-Is the new combat formula set in stone, or are you having doubts about any of the three skills removed from the formula?
Nothing is set in stone, however we are happy with the formula as it stands currently.
-Has Summoning been completely updated in the Beta (so, the familiars’ Summoning levels, their XP gained from when they attack, a change in the ways some attack, etc.)?
Summoning has largely been set to one side for now, as we feel it needs a whole Evolution of Summoning update to itself to do it justice.
-Are Rings of Recoil meant to give Constitution XP?
This is probably to do with the way we changed how XP works (now being granted on death instead of on hit). So, not an intentional change, but one we are happy to leave in.
-Can we expect to see more activities become available as the Beta progresses (such as, for example, Burthorpe Troll Invasion and Fist of Guthix)?
Yes, as time moves on more features in the Beta will be turned on, however, non-combat minigames are unlikely to be switched on during the beta period.
09-Jul-2012 18:08:08