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Mod Chris L

Mod Chris L

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Korey the I
1) Ideally the solution is for me to go back in time and not make the hood. Given I don't have the means to and I did mention on another thread that we should do something about this, I'll chat to mod_mark and see what can be done. They have been cosmetic for a long time now.
2) I just posted about this but if you missed it:
"The effectiveness of Auto attacks vs abilities has been raised as a common feedback point and before this Q&A I was putting in a suggested fix to bring the two a bit closer together and make Auto-attacks a fair bit better for those who want a similar experience the the live game or a non-intensive experience. With luck you'll see this in the next update but it might require a bit more time. "
Have fun!

09-Jul-2012 18:58:18

Mod Pi

Mod Pi

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
" Is the way the Corporeal Beast drains prayer right now intentional? It's nearly impossible to solo which was not the case before. It seems like a flaw in the game. How are you supposed to stop him from doing this? "
- The corp beast should ideally not be solo'able, Of course there are those that will have the skill to do so but it shouldn't be something that just anybody can do. The prayer drain on initial beta release was pretty insane yea,w ehave since nerfed this to a level which we hope should stay challenging but not be so punishing that you feel it is impossible. We will, of course, monitor the situation so that by the time we do a full release of the evolution of combat, it is both callenging and fun :)
" Will onyx ring (i) be useless with no stats? "
- These should have crit on them as of last Wednesday I believe, if they don't then please let us know and we can fix this.
" As far as spirit shields go, is the current system in the beta (ely/div/arc being combat style-specific, all reducing damage 30% with prayer drain & spectral being a tier below to match bandos and arma) where you want to keep these shields? "
- The aim for these shields are that they will be seen as a boost for the same tier that godwars is in. I.E. divine is like a bandos shield but with a little bit more! We believe that the divines ability was the most popular so we chose that ability to be placed on the other shields, using prayer as damage soak also fits in nicely with the background of the shields too.
" Are you the developer that is working on the upcoming rumored Ariane Quest? Furthermore, how do you plan on fixing the currently broken Runecrafting lore, through the rework of Rune Mysteries (ie, accessable before it's 'discovered'), considering the Abyss miniquest has a lot of conspiracy behind it as well. Also, if you are indeed working on a Rune Mysteries rework... will it be voice acted? "
- No, i'm not, they are keeping me busy with Evolution of Combat, the developer that is doing however is very experienced and is great with quests and lore so I have no doubt that he'll do a good job! :)
" What sort of content are you working on for the Evolution of combat? I'm not sure what you're working on, since Rathe and Chris L are the only two with large track records "
- Haha, good question. I work on pretty much all of it :O . Rathe and Chris are the main designers and developers and I came in late but they didn't waste much time in making me get my hands dirty. I've worked on reworks for poison,prayer, potions, converted minigames, helped with the core combat balancing.
" What sort of balances are you guys looking at to make Herblore, Prayer, and Constitution worth training still, considering the nerfs to the first two, and the fact that Constitution does very little for you now, other than increased healing, since armor is more of your health now. "
- With reguards to herblore and prayer, the current in game bonus' that the top tiers give you push the player so far above their tier that it was making balancing bosses to be challenging difficult. If you balanced for a player without these boosts, anyone with turm + ovl would find the fight a walk in the park. If you balanced for a player with these boosts then you pretty much made them a requirement. This was far from ideal as the buffs that prayer and potions give you should be seen as a boost along side what you had rather than as important as having the best weapon in game.
With their current strengths though, turmoil is capable of giving you the same boost as the difference between barrows and nex gear/choatics and overloads are capable of giving you the same boost as the difference between godwars gear and nex gear/chaotics. So they are far from tiny boosts.
I can understand that compared to the current values these seem like huge nerfs but the underlying problem is actually that turm/ovl is too powerful currently and has been left in that state for too long.
" Also, how do you plan on rebalancing quest bosses? Some of the abilities could very easily make them far too easy, such as Immortality... "
- Quest bosses will be made more beefy yes but they will not be made so beefy that they rival bosses like nex or Kree'ara since questers and PvM'ers are quite different.
" Do potions affect the strength/accuracy of abilities or do they just affect auto-attacking? (like void) "
- They affect both.
" Also, a bit of jewellery like Regen Brace and a few imbued rings have no stats, will this be changed? "
- These should have been changed by now but if they have not then let us know via the in game bug reporter and this will filter through to us.
" Is anything going to be done about weapons that had more unique special attacks, such as Korasi's sword? There is really no reason to use them right now... "
- Weapons with unique abilites will hopefully be given passive abilities or stats which make them desirable. Korasi is an interesting case as it's spec is a magic ability on a melee item which is a bit of a no no in the new combat system. Also, 100% hit chances do nasty things in PvP so we may need to think carefully about this one.
" Why was poison removed? Does it still exist in any capacity, such as in quests or certain areas? "
- Weapon poison has not been removed, it is now a potion that gives you a poison buff that effectively makes you `poisonous` for a while. When poison is applied you will hit 5% of your auto attack damage, 6 times, 10 seconds apart. If you re-apply poison it will restart this timer.
" Will we see the Dominion Tower before the end of beta...or is it something to be saved so as not to give away everything? "
- I hope so, it will make testing quest bosses far easier :P
" Are there plans to add more abilities during the beta? "
- I'm working on one right now that should make players who enjoy tactical mini-games such as castle wars and sould wars happier :P
" 'Shield fights' go on forever sometimes, how do you feel about this? Is there plans to make these fights go on for shorter amounts of time? "
- Tank vs Tank is expected to go on longer that DPS v DPS but yes, they have been going on for what seems like forever. We have made a few changes with recent patches to hopefully fix this but we will keep an eye on it. Ideally we don't want fights to go on so long that you get bored before it ends :P
" Will the chaotic staff be receiving a buff so that the inexpensive polypore staff is not as powerful as a 200,000 token dung reward? "
- Yes, I believe this will be restatted so that they attack bonus fits in the tier that gano is currently in. The spells damage will stay the same though.
" Is it intended that using Healing Aura scrolls (unicorn familiar) drains adrenaline? "
- Yes, initially this was not the case and it lead to the unicorn being rather OP when compared to food.
" Overloads - Will they deal damage when the update goes into the live game, much like how they do at the moment in the real game? "
- The plan is to not do this currently. The damage was really just there as a token gesture to show that the potion is overloading your body (which is why I left the animation in). The problem comes in when you try to decide how much damage to take/give back when the potion is drank/runs out. If the player is wearing decent gear, 500 is nothing. If the player is wearing no gear, 500 is a lot and more than they will pretty much kill you. In the end we decided to remove the damage to not over complicate matters.
" Could you look into introducing a level 70 mage armor as suggested by others as Saradomin Robes" being dropped by the Saradomin side of the God Wars Dungeon? We could really use a non-degrading armor. "
- Might this space ;)
" What's the point/role of prayer armour now? Prayer bonuses don't seem to exist anyway. Is it expected to be able to do tasks like black demons without prayer (this is trivial in beta, especially using regenerate) now. What's the point of prayer generally in the game? "
- Prayer bonus' should be on armour as of Wednesday. It should do the same as it always did, reduce the rate of prayer drain.
" Is the (e) bolts finalised as is. It seems confusing and wrong. What was wrong with the old system, where rune crossbows fired rune bolts, rune (e) and below. "
- The damage of these bolts ramps up as they get tipped and enchanted, so the requirement ramps up a long side it. Currently we have no lvl 60 and lvl 70 crossbow capable of firing these bolts so it I can understand how it would feel odd having the requirements there. However, we fully intend on releasing crossbows in this tier so that those who do not have chaotics can use the bolts.
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Combat Council Member
Check me out on twitter @JagexPi

09-Jul-2012 19:08:50

Mod Avatar

Mod Avatar

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Quest Addict:
Q1: Are there plans to add more abilities during the beta?
A1: If we feel that there are gaps in the combat system that would benefit from the introduction of a new ability then we may consider doing this. However, we don't have any current plans to add any new abilities before launch so far.
Q2: Do you feel that the Nex sets have been made less useful, due to the fact that they're lifepoint bonus has been made into a smaller difference from armadyl/bandos/ganodermic?
A2: The stats that we've given to the Nex gear still keeps it as the highest equipment available. The difference in stats between the Nex gear and the lower level God Wars gear should still be enough to make the jump clearly noticeable even though the difference is now smaller.
Q3: Are you working on lifepoints being boosted to full as soon as you equip a piece of armour, so people don't have to eat to full everytime they equip something?
A3: This is a tricky one. In short yes, we would love to get around this problem somehow. However, we have toyed with various different ways of addressing this and unfortunately none have been suitable solutions so far.
Q4: 'Shield fights' go on forever sometimes, how do you feel about this? Is there plans to make these fights go on for shorter amounts of time?
A4: Shields were intended to make people tanks. The fact that a tank v tank fight lasts so long is a good indication that it's worked :P .
Q5: Do you realize that some of the combat levels creatures have (example - jad 170) is a tad.. low? This limits the EXP gains quite a bit for higher level players, and that is a tad worrying to me.
A5: For bosses their combat level is purely representative of the level of skill and gear that we expect you to have. Bosses are not affected by the 30 level XP cutoff.
Q6: Do you plan to open up the Fight Kiln and Queen Black Dragon in the beta? I'd be very interested to attempt both the Fight Kiln and QBD in the beta.
A6: We would like to make both of these available during the beta.
Mod Avatar :)

09-Jul-2012 19:09:20

Mod Rathe

Mod Rathe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Will there be abilities that work in a similar way as magic spells do in the current RS? For example click spell icon/select spell through hotkey and then select target.
This would be nice for some abilities such as the barge ability that requires you to already have a target (and if you are a melee fighter you will be fighting 1 square away from your target, not the 2-5 as the ability requires)
It'd also open up some new possibilities such as AoE spells and more.
- We are currently working on a targeting feature, that will allow you to select a monster/player as your target without attacking them. That way, you'll be able to target a person in the right place, then use the AOE abilities you want on them. This will also make the Attack ability "Barge" a lot more useful.

09-Jul-2012 19:10:09

Mod Jane

Mod Jane

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Also, Jane, snowballs still > chickens.
- Come at me bro :P
Mod Jane - Community & Events Director
Follow me on Twitter - @JagexJane

09-Jul-2012 19:10:39

Mod Rathe

Mod Rathe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Jad Pitt:
Will we see more variety in mage weaponry in the future? I'm thinking things like telekinetic crystal balls, scythes, floating elemental orbs (like tzhaar mages), tridents, enchanted swords & daggers, magic books, and so on. Atm it's just wands and staves, with orbs and books in your offhand...
I'm not sure I'd call spell elements a source of variety, since now their mechanics are more for exploiting enemy weaknesses like melee's stab/slash/crush.
-Yes, we are starting to put together thoughts for very-high level weaponry which will be covered in all manner of bells, whistles and shiny things.

09-Jul-2012 19:15:33

Mod Chris L

Mod Chris L

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Jake Elliott
1) Ideally the answer will be yes, allowing the choice to the player on if (if they are going offensively) what abilities or dps they'd like to do. (2h is a bit slower but heavier hitting) As for levels, it will likely differentiate based on what weapons are available.
2) I would answer this in full however it reads like the item hasn't been statted properly so I'll leave it for now and check it out tomorrow for you. Short answer was it was removed to allow the normal bolts to be fired and use those effects, allowing the royal bolts to be an obtainable bolt if the onyx ones are too hard to come by.
3) I certainly hope so! For now we repurposed what we had.
4) Yes. We did have a basic form of this that has since been extended. We are finalising how best it should look for roll-out but you'll see it in the beta for sure.
5) I'd like to think so. It came up during design but was cut due to time constraints. I imagine it might resurface in some form. We already have a "last target" information panel in the worn stat's interface for similar sort of things.
6) Yes
7) I think you can chose between Shift, Alt and Control for now. It might be something we can expand but it's not as straightforward as it might seem.
8) I'm sure I can sort something for the dreadnips when I get the time to do so, I'll see what we can squeeze in.

09-Jul-2012 19:15:47

Mod Pi

Mod Pi

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
" Will the new armours; Imphide, Spider-silk, Carapace, Batwing be craftable from monster drops or will the pieces be dropped fully crafted? "
- Hopefully crafted to give skillers a bit more cash in their pocket :) .
" How will we get the new wands and staves brought into the game? "
- The initial view is to have these as drops.
" I hear that many people are just trading rares and were gambling etc, which is not what the beta was intended for. Its rather disheartening when legit testers such as myself and many others can only participate in the weekends when we would be more then happy to provide valuable feedback whenever, weekday and weekend alike. I do hope you can re consider this, or pass this on if you have no say in this issue. Thank you for taking the time to read this. "
- Yes, this is far from ideal. We have already taken lengths to minise this but players will always find a way. We are keeping an eye on players that are doing this and they are being removed from the beta and we are getting other players in, in their place.
" staves give no damage boost or different abilities so dual wield is best due to the same power but faster is this intended. "
- The overall DPS of staves and dual wield should be the same, however, the damage per spell of dual wield is half that of the staff. So you have a choice, either you go for constant, bursty damage or you go for those high hits! We do have plans to add more abilities in time that are locked to weapon type but don't count on it for initial release.
Senior Gameplay Programmer
Combat Council Member
Check me out on twitter @JagexPi

09-Jul-2012 19:22:36

Mod Rathe

Mod Rathe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@ Nightgunner:
Any of the developers:
Why did you change the names of the ancient magic spells instead of going for a more elegant solution? There is tons of lore that makes little sense with the new spell names and the new names in general aren't as good as the old ones ("Bloodfire", really?)
- Now that we have introduced weakness to the various creatures on the game, such as weakness to Water, we wanted to bring the ancient spellbook into line with the regular spellbook. We didn't want to have the situation where melee and range had 3 weaknesses to think about, but mages had 8. Similarly, we felt having the ancient spells, like Shadow, count as one of the traditional element types just made things needlessly confusing. Therefore, we renamed the spells.
Is anything going to be done about weapons that had more unique special attacks, such as Korasi's sword? There is really no reason to use them right now...
- These weapons should have better stats than their level requirements would normally allow. If you find a weapon which you feel under-performs, please let us know so we can take another look at its stats.
Some items such as the Helm of Neitizot are far less useful in the beta than it is in the live game. Is this intentional?
- In the case of the Helm it shouldn't be far less useful that before, we'll take another look at its stats.
Why was poison removed? Does it still exist in any capacity, such as in quests or certain areas?
It still exists as poison potions. Instead of applying it to your weapon, and then getting a permanently poisoned weapon, you use the potion during combat to give you a temporary buff that makes all your attacks (melee, range and mage) poison your target.
How are off-hand weapons going to work in the live game? Will all creatures that drop, for example, a dragon longsword also drop the off-hand dragon longsword? Will the off-hand dragon scimitar cost the same as the main hand one?
There is not an absolute rule on what creatures will drop the new off-hands. For the most part all off-hand items will be crafted/fletched/smithed by players. For things like dragon off-hands, bosses will drop them but we have not decided which ones yet. The off-hand items will cost the same as the main-hand, and require the same materials to make, in general.

09-Jul-2012 19:26:21 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2012 19:27:34 by Mod Rathe

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