@ Amascut:
Mod Rathe -
-Are you willing to give any information on what your thoughts on Nomad's Requiem's lore is? I *believe* you've seen my thread about tying the Camelot Knights to the series (Nomad - The Green Knight - 16-17-863-62742063), but after Mod Mark recently mentioned Nomad has no future plans, I'm really praying for some information on the subject to tide us over until the next bit of lore released for that story.
Nomad is not related to the Camelot Knights story-line. The quest requires the completion of the knight waves due to the need for the Piety prayer in the corruption room puzzle. In terms of Nomad's story, Nomad's Requiem 2 has a full story line planned out which greatly expands on Nomad's lore, which was rather sparse in the first quest. However, as I'm have been busy with the Evolution of Combat for the last two years, no progress has yet been made on getting the next chapter of Nomad into the game. Once we finish the combat beta and release into the live game, Nomad will be my personal top priority, however I can't say for sure if I'll get to work on him or if I'll get assigned to a different project. I will push hard to work on it though.
-Is there any chance that if enough support is drummed up, Agility could work its way into the EoC as a minor dodge chance during combat? I feel it would be a huge and fun change to the combat system, and would really breathe new life into the Agility skill.
We discussed adding Agility into combat before the Beta came out, but it was felt that it would be unfair on players who never trained their agility to suddenly need it to be good at combat. If we made it play a very minor role in combat, then nobody would really bother with it. We are very keen to find more uses for Agility, however they are more likely to be in non-combat skills.
-What are your plans to bring more unique features to weapons and armor? At the moment, armor and weapons are simply better damage, more boost, and nothing special about them, while outside the beta, items like Ganodermic armor shines due to its high Soaking ability, and Barrows is still used thanks to its special effects (which I know are retained, but some are just outclassed by the others within beta). Basically, will we see some armors gaining higher armor bonuses against certain combat styles, or have a rare chance of a small effect going off while wearing them to retain desirablity at higher levels? I echo this sentiment to weapons, as right now, one just needs the next tier of weapon, now that special effects have been removed, which removes weapon uniqueness in the process. (Dang that was a long question! Sorry!)
We are keen to add more passive effects (like the barrows set effects) to weapons and armour. For example, having a flaming axe have a chance to set your target on fire when you hit them in melee. Such effects would be likely introduced in new very high level gear which we are starting to think about as a team.
09-Jul-2012 18:54:31