This is X Apocalypse A.K.A. K1ng 0f Hell speaking, my membership has ended and I do not plan to renew anytime soon. The EOC update is not only hated by me but by the original players from years and years before me. Your effortless attempt to fix the economy and keep EOC update is not working as it should. The only thing that you have worked on is Torva and Nex items hoping that everything else will follow and it is quite idiotic. The only way to restore everything back to the way it was is to get rid of this update and stop threatening the mods jobs for them speaking of what they want of Runescape, because most of them hate it too but are unable to say so. You are disregarding your customers complaints with a nonchalant attitude and losing money as well. You all will probably disregard this complaint too, but note this, The more you ignore, the more you lose.
P.S. Please stop trying to "bring new exciting things" as a cover to effortlessly try to bring back the customers you had or keep them entertained. It insults us and shows slimyness on your part. And not only do members hate it but so do non members and just joining members giving Runescape a bad name. You know what you must do to keep your customers satisfied.
26-Dec-2012 19:31:04