Thanks so much for all the updates in 2012 Jagex! I couldn't be more delighted than ever before! Things I loved so much this year are:
1. EOC!
2. Removal of click special attacks!
3. More Bots than ever!
4. Bosses are easier to kill than ever before!
5. Divine, Elysian, and Arcane all have 30% reduction with an awesome 6% of damage drain to prayer. Awesome idea!
6. Major Crash of all Godswords, Claws, Nex items!
7. New combat xp system!
8. Rework of all the armor and weapon stats so that they are all relatively the same now!
9. Overpowered magic!
10. No more ability to rush someone in wilderness!
11. Overpowered dharoks!
12. Squeal of Fortune for buyable xp lamps!
13. Solomon Store for in game advantage pets!
14. Jagex can now rwt as stated in your terms & conditions!
15. ******* ******* ******** owns 55% of Jagex!
16. Less than 100,000 players at any time of day!
17. Boxing in duel arena takes at least 5 minutes long!
18. New life point system where everything has a life point boost!
19. Misleading Survey for Eoc!
20. Dungeoneering imbalance!
21. Failed Bot Nuke!
22. Broken Runescape Community!
23. Runescape has turned to WOWscape!
And we only have you to thank for! Thank you for all your achievements this year! I hope you will only continue to turn Runescape into something different. Merry Christmas! Keep bringing in more amazing content!
26-Dec-2012 07:52:33