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From one fighter against the EOC to all others fighting to save Runescape
The following is just a snippet of the entire post. To find the entire post so you can read the information in it. search Yahoo or Google for Jagex - EoC Flop
Jagex - EoC Flop (RuneScape update question & call to action)?
This post is to help RuneScape players who dislike EoC and have been ignored by Jagex on the forums. Since Jagex refuses to listen to us in forums, we must find other means to impact their decisions. Recently an investment firm called Insite ADVenture Partner's purchased a majority share in Jagex stock. I have begun sending them emails, and encouraging friends and family members to do the same.
Their email address is Growth @ Insight Partners.c om remove the spaces OK
A sample email is:
Greetings to you at Insight Venture Partner's remove the apostrophe S ('S)
It has recently come to my attention that your investment firm has purchased a large share of stock in Jagex, the owners of a relatively popular online game called RuneScape. Recently they have released an update called the Evolution of Combat (hereafter referred to as EoC). The consumer base was assured ahead of time that this impact would make minimal changes to the game.
The Above ^
Is just a sample of the E-mails currently being sent to IVP from the players of Runescape we the Haters of EOC must unite together. We must work together to continue to let Jagex & IVP know just how we feel about the EOC update.
We must fight to save Runescape 2 or we will be doomed to play some other MMORPG or to conform and learn to play in the Crippled world of Gielinor as she stands today.
I for one hate the EOC
Copy & Paste this message to all other forums & threads.
Please Spread the word everyone
I am Wishing All Fighters of the EOC & all Supporters of RS2 a Merry Christmas
25-Dec-2012 06:15:05
- Last edited on
25-Dec-2012 06:16:30
Devans Blade