please i really need help i posted in all the forums whitout an answer and i reallyneed one for a jagex moderator even i sent emails but no answers
i cant buy the gold memebership because,accidently i buy the bronze package,because when i was triying to pay i put the cvv code wrong and for that i have to reload the page,but instantly when the page reloads i put the cvv code and i doesnt pay attention and accidently i buy the bronze package then i was triying to buy the gold but i cant,i been all the day waiting because my internet provider has not been working and i really need to fix this issue,i dont want my money back,i just want to buy the goldmembership,was an accident that i buy bronze,because if u get wrong in something,For examplea:putting ure credit card number or cvv code,automatically when u reload the page,the bronze package appear selected by default,i dont know why,and then i wasnt paying attention and i buy it thinking that was the goldmembership,whit out notice that the bronze membership was selected,and then when i try to buy gold package i cant for the same reason,please i just want to buy my goldpackage,i dont care the money,even if i have to pay twice,but please let me buy my gold package,ty
please i need help for a moderator,please
23-Dec-2012 03:11:22