I have two points. Both = anti botter.
1# if I devote one year to this game, I could be less far then if a made a choice to bot.
Those who choose to bot less then 3 hours a day (NEVER) or Near to never get cough.
I have stood anti bot in beliefs for a verry long time, going as far to help "mod beno" find ad bots on f2p worlds after botnuke 1. I have a friend on my list with levels I would die for who has played less then one year. Levels i only wish i could have in my 3 years of game play. " Bots win. Are winning. and will continue to win."
2# Gold may be a great membership choice yet. If you made 5 gold worlds separate from the market, players , and bots of normal day RS. Then you could controls the problem for the most devoted of players. IN THEORY you could create a bot free runescape by filtering out the legit members. I do not think a player would risk 6 months or a year membership to break the rules.
20-Dec-2012 18:27:43