
RuneScape Premier Club Thread is locked

Quick find code: 294-295-113-64148397

Kiwi Bahamut

Kiwi Bahamut

Posts: 169 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I too am grandfathered under the cheaper rate. This would be a waste for me except the "extra spins" and Runetrashcoins and stuff.

Unless of course they made special offers of $50 for a year for the grandfathered accounts or something*

**, Jagex.

20-Dec-2012 21:54:46



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Kossith WoW works on membership and expansion packs**** currently works on Tiered Membership which is worse and microtransactions and will probably end up doing content packs too. I do not play WoW because I do not like their business model.

I did like the RS business model it's just not catering to me anymore.

You realise this is all set up so when RS goes to tablet microtransactions make them loads cause people that play games on tablets don't care about these issues or game quality or intergrety.

20-Dec-2012 21:55:56

Malus Unus

Malus Unus

Posts: 106 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
im on a fixed income and i would like to be a gold member,however i can only afford it monthly, is there a way i could pay by the month? Like my membership taken out every month when due?? Just coming up with 74 bucks all at once would hurt my family. But paying monthly would be ok with everyone in my household

20-Dec-2012 21:56:53

Eat My Booty

Eat My Booty

Posts: 421 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Awww I knew Jagex would do something like this eventually...

For those who don't know this is the same **act thing as the Battlefield Premium or the terrible CoD Elite service...almost a carbon copy. You pay upfront for a whole year of content you get early and some in-game benefits that are minuscule and not worth the extra $15 a month.

I pay $5 a month for membership and when I saw this I thought "Oh well the loyal paying members aren't loyal enough and are not premier players let's introduce the "Premier membership gold service".

I've never seen a company treat their loyal paying customers like **** this's pathetic that I'm still paying these tyrannical money ****** my money for a broken game infested with bots...

I have been a paying member for 5+ years so one would think something like this should be a free service but no...all they care about is money so sad...


20-Dec-2012 21:56:56

Im Lubu
Dec Member 2023

Im Lubu

Posts: 196 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
STOP THIS CRAP! We haven't been getting any good updates. Back in the date I remember I couldn't keep up with the updates. And now I play less than before and it seems like new content is added once a month or so. All I see getting updated is the stupid solo man store or sequel of fortune. It sad how the fastest exp earned can be gained through the squeal of fortune and Ive never bought anything from solo mans store because its all stupid. I want quests skills mini games what happened to that. And the simplest things aren't even being updated. Such as walking. I still find my guy getting stuck on certain things. And the delay in the game is still bad. And its definitely not my computer or internet connection when I can run real games at maximum graphics. Jagex has lost it and they are just losing more people with these stupid updates. Why cant they just and listen to the people. I don't understand why they are doing this it. And now they're telling you if you buy membership a certain way you get more things. I hate these kinds of games where money buys you everything in the game. This is why I stopped playing cod and halo. and if this keeps up this will be on the list too.

20-Dec-2012 21:56:57



Posts: 3,946 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Kossith: WoW is a terrible game in my personal opinion anyway. But at least they chose an option of payment: membership and one-time software purchase. Runescape on the other hand wants ALL of the methods of payment. If you start comparing RS to other MMO's, then at least also look at the fact that 99% of MMO's rely on only 1 (or at most 2) form(s) of payment: Either membership (a lot of them), one-time software purchase (GW2 i.e.), or cosmetic (NOTE: COSMETIC) microtransactions (for example LoL).

And if I were a 40 yo man with a company that already makes an insane amount of cash every year, and I was passionate about this company and the game it evolves around, then I'm not so sure if I would accept that 32 million. Money isn't everything, and too much of anything is always bad. Runescape was already turning over a lot of money before they sold their shares. Now if we would actually see the effect of these investments in quality content rather than updates meant to make quick money for the investors, then all'd be fine, but frankly we don't.

20-Dec-2012 21:58:09

Mossy Kossy

Mossy Kossy

Posts: 7,453 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We aren't the people to discuss how the business works out as we don't have the figures, but WoW did say that membership £10 is that because of the money it takes to run the servers.

Maybe it'll even cost jagex to make rs on tablets, so they need some support from the players.
An Approved Community Project: Molior RS

20-Dec-2012 21:58:40

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