This was a great idea poorly executed. For a start, the rewards of one extra spin and runecoins was generally a good idea - a secret way to lure people into commiting to your little real-world-trading racket while they are buying membership. That's an idea I'd commit to, I guess.
But giving away things that people were believe to be exclusive if they purchased them during the event week they were announced? Things like the green skin, the ornate katana, and the scarecrow mask - granted, you've not (as far as I know) given away every gamercard based promotional offer, but you've still given away some of the most exclusive ones, such as the green skin. I was already getting tired of people asking if I bought/assuming I bought crap from the Solomon General Store because of my green skin, but I enjoyed the fact that it was (originally) an exclusive reward because I bought my next months membership from a card during Halloween 2010, and no one should be able to obtain green skin in the future - sure you did a few offers and grab-bags in ***tests but that was extremely limited. Now, anyone with money can just buy what others would consider "pride givers" within the game.
Tell you what Jagex, next, offer a "completionist" pack, which players can buy once they've reached the max total level. It'll be on offer for £250 and will automatically unlock everything they have to do, with extra benefits. You'll also be given all of the holiday event rewards to boot, just to stamp on everyone elses achievements even more in the sake of gaining profit.
Also don't forget to make it so premium members forum posts/speaking in the main game comes up as "YOU NEED A RUNESCAPE PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP TO VIEW THIS TEXT" or better yet, invent another crappy little crown (make it orange with a gold P in it) that players can stick next to their names, and make said posts orange, with gold text. People will definitely throw money at you there.
So much for being valued for my continued membership
20-Dec-2012 21:15:14