Ok, here is my problem: First let's just ignore the perks because they are the same for everyone whether you have been a member for 11 years or 1 month. That said, lets just discuss the membership fee....
If you had a year's worth of membership in 2007, 2 months in 2008, 6 months in 2010 and 8 months in 2012 you have had diverse payment amounts but since 2010 at least you have payed 7.95 per month each month of membership. If you had a year of membership it's roughly 95.00. You will get a break of approx. 22% by paying $75.00 per year.
On the other hand I have steadily payed $5.00 a month for many years ( and on more than 1 account sometimes). I will be paying 75.00 instead of $60.00 for the same perks you are receiving even though you may have had only 2 months of prior membership or none at all. My cost will be increased by approx. 22% a year.
If you leave out the perks (and perks are not perks if you pay for them, which grandfathered accounts will be paying) you can see that long time membership holders are being asked to pay more for the same thing that a new or sometimes members will get at a discount.
I just don't understand the thinking behind this and I certainly don't understand why some people just don't get what long time grandfathered members are upset about. It's very clear if you look at the numbers.
From the arguements I see on this thread it's just another player against player problem. Jagex seems continually setting players against each other anymore. Wildy-FT/anti Wildy-FT, EoC/anti EoC, Micros/anti Micros, just about any update/against just about any update and now grandfathered accounts vs non grandfathered accounts. Seems like no one can express a like or dislike about this game without someone else poking them (and usually rather rudely).
24-Dec-2012 09:20:12
- Last edited on
24-Dec-2012 09:24:01