Here is why I am not buying into this dumb Premier Club...
12 months membership. Well duh! We're paying 75 bucks for it!!
10% discount on all items in Solomon’s General Store. Get real! There is nothing even remotely useful in Solomon's General Store except maybe the Bank Boosters.
One extra daily spin on Squeal of Fortune for the whole year, in addition to the usual two enjoyed by members. Oh! Yay! One more free spin per day! *Sarcasm*
Priority access to any and all RuneScape closed betas in 2013. So we have to shell out 75 bucks to be able to have access to the betas of 2013??
A full set of Paladin Armour cosmetic overrides, with body and leg armour, boots, a helmet, a paladin blade and paladin shield. Oh gee thanks! More useless cosmetic items! Not! I'm being sarcastic again. -_-
2000 Runecoins. To spend on more useless cosmetic items I presume?
A range of special cosmetic items, such as the Ornate Katana, Green Skin, Turkey Hat, Barbed Bow, Flaming Skull, Scarecrow Mask and Lightning Pack. Unfortunately, this is probably the best part of the deal.
Entry into a prize draw to win an all expenses paid trip for two to Jagex HQ in Cambridge, United Kingdom. * So again, we have to pay 75 bucks to enter a dang sweepstakes, huh!? And yeah, this is nothing but a big dumb random drawing which 99.9% of the people who buy into this are not gonna win.
A quarterly Premier Club newsletter, packed with information and offers. Who cares about a stupid newsletter anyway? Not me!
*Terms and conditions apply - IE: Don't bet on winning if you buy.
Pah! Do not waste your money on this Premier Club, it's just not worth the money. Maybe it would be if there was more Choose Your Fate or even coins and/or EXP to be had like there was in the Sizzling Summer Promotion.
You peer into a Chapel of Zamorak, which appears to be abandoned. Before you can close the doors again, a Revenant Chaos-Bringer flies at you and slays you instantly with a bolt of Shadow Lightning. Oh dear! You are dead!
And her avatar just happens to have red hair, which I love.
And her name is MICHELLE, my favorite female name...
You peer into a Chapel of Zamorak, which appears to be abandoned. Before you can close the doors again, a Revenant Chaos-Bringer flies at you and slays you instantly with a bolt of Shadow Lightning. Oh dear! You are dead!
All i can now think of with this is that *jagex* is just pushing crap into our faces and wrapping it with ribbon so we buy it. This is a pointless thing, you exclude members that have been paying for years by saying hey buy this and you guys get to get updates before others, BULL****! The only people that are going to buy this B.S. are no lifers (meaning sit on there a$$ ALL DAY playing this P.O.S. game.*used to be a great game*) and old people getting gifts for their grandchildren... so jagex why dont u get your head out of your *other word for donkey* and HELP YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS.
Also seeing all these people that are like oh I've been a member for a year what about me.....shut up after five years you can have a say. ( over five years playing just so u dont get the need to be like oh well what about u.)
Hey guys, i just have a question before i ask my parents if i may buy this.
So say im already paying membership $6 a month from a visa card, if i get this will it stop the visa charging $6 a month and just use the membership from this "premier club", because i want to buy this and i think i should be still playing runescape in the next year and im just wondering so i dont get charged extra moneys. Or do i have to manually close my membership from the visa card then get premier club. Thanks.
Jagex, can you make this option to have Premium Gold Membership permanent? Because I'll only be able to buy membership in the Summer Holidays when my final exams in college finish, and thus will miss out on Closed Betas, and those untradeable items such as the freaking awesome Flaming Skull! D;
If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.