I have to say that I scan the membership dates under each poster's avatar and the majority of those who are extremely animated against this event, are for the most part the same ones who are adamantly anti-EOC, and interestingly too, this majority also have birthing dates within the last 24 months.
It is entirely possible that some have been around longer than that and renewed a lapsed membership within that time, but I also note that the majority of us who have been around more than a couple days are much less animated in out response and accepting that life happens and we need to make the best of any situation, no matter how favorable or unfavorable it is to us.
I can't say I agree with any of the laments that this will ruin the economy, in fact I believe it may just bring about the correction which has been long over due. In fact, I hope that it puts enough pressure on the manipulation clans that the market returns to a free flow system based on real supply and demand and less on the hoarding/flooding techniques currently in play. Interesting that buying a pair of Bandos Boots costs some 400k over mid, yet they only sell some 50-100k under mid. To have a 500k buy/sell spread on an 500k item, stinks of manipulation.
For what it's worth on armor prices, I separate my investment items from those I use every day. Though everything is for sale at the right price, my SS has paid for itself 1,000 times over. Even if the price dropped to 1gp I would still be way ahead and even more to the point, I plan on keeping it anyway. :-)
I don't think this wee Christmas bonus is near enough to "bribe back" those who purport to have rage-quit, if they have indeed given up on the game they would not be enticed to hear the offer, let alone actually consider it.
I do think though that this will help me train my agility a little higher, that and fishing seem to not be my bailiwick.
30-Nov-2012 17:27:22