How did you find our clan? (Or the name from who referred you)
I found out that Kire667 was the leader of the clan from having him added for a few weeks and wanted to join after talking to him about it.
• Why are you interested in joining us?
I'm interested in joining because of the clan page talking about learning PVM and the Teamspeak.
• Total lvl:
• Are you P2P or F2P (if F2P are you planning to become P2P in the future?):
• Timezone (optional):
• Clan history; previous clan(s) (and reason for leaving (optional)):
The clan I've been in is named Forgotten Flames. I'm leaving because the clan is mostly full of low levels that can't do PVM.
* Do you intend to cap in our citadel weekly? (Note: This is not mandatory):
Yes, I already cap weekly in my current clan. Capping may not be done as often when I go back to college, but it mostly depends on my schedule.
• Is there anything you would like to tell about yourself/what you do in game?
I like to PVM in-game. I want to eventually get into higher level PVM like ROTS, Vorago, Raids, etc.
• Are you interested in using our Teamspeak/Offsite (Which one or both)?
Yes, I'm interested in using the Teamspeak.
* Do you agree with the clan rules/guidelines posted on this thread?
I agree with the clan rules posted on this thread.
• Will you read through our new members guide thread after joining? (Most of it is the same but the 1st posts hold some more detailed info about the clan).
I've already started reading through it.
13-Aug-2015 19:57:19