Þ Preferred name: Skiller
Þ Total level:670
Þ Time zone:+12 (NZ)
Þ In terms of hours, how active will you be?: ill be extremely active for this week, but will be going on a business trip in the month of October, otherwise its around 6h+ a day
Þ What other games do you play? oldschool
Þ What is your current goal?:99 herblore,crafting, firemaking and cooking over the double exp weekend
Þ Have you been in a clan before?:no
Þ Will you help and promote, recruit and bump our foums: yes
Þ How did you find us?: skilling clan search
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?: i mainly play oldschool with 2000+ total, i occasionally switch gold over to rs3 and get a 99, would like to make this my rs3 clan.
22-Sep-2016 11:44:32
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2016 11:47:11