Preferred name: Ash
Total level: 1877 (And rising;
Time zone: GMT
Do you cap: I've never been in a clan; but I can definitely try to cap!
Do you bump thread: I could do if required/necessary!
Do you recruit/vex: Possibly in the future!
In terms of hours, how active will you be: I have high school, lots of home/coursework, but I will definitely try to fit at LEAST 4 hours a night in, and much more on weekend!
What other games do you play: CSGO. Thats it xD
What is your current goal: Priff requirements! I'm very, VERY close.
Have you been in a clan before: Nope!
How did you find this clan and what made you want to apply?: Go ogle gave me a relatively good outlook of the clan!
Why would you be a great addition to this clan?: In my most humble opinion, most DEFINITELY c;
Have you read and agree to the rules?: Yes!
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I'm like, very annoying and needy. So, the discord may just be me asking really obvious questions at times. I apologize in advance. <3
25-Sep-2016 22:14:14