Þ Preferred name:Mystic...or rain for short
Þ Total level:1938
Þ Time zone:CTZ
Þ In terms of hours, how active will you be?: ~2-3 hours when i have time to get on
Þ What other games do you play?Tera,neverwinter,and other non online games
Þ What is your current goal?:Access to Prif / curses
Þ Have you been in a clan before?:yes
Þ Will you help and promote, recruit and bump our foums: when possibe
Þ How did you find us?: Forums
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
. Please join us as a guest and ask
an admin rank or higher for an invite to the clan. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We look forward to seeing you in the clan!
Hope to see you soon!
• • •
Small in size, Short in history, big in achievements!