Runescape name (RSN): Warrior5697
Previous RSN's: None
Total level: 2424
Total xp: 175599121
Country and time zone: Portugal. GMT +0
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): None
Goals in Runescape: I love questing and I would like to get more 99's. And above of all have fun!
What are you favorite things to do on RS? Questing and skilling and clue scrolls and some minigames and D&D's.
What are you looking for in a clan? To make friends and have someone to play with. I am a nice and funny and chilly guy
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? As a new person I will give something new but I can contribute with my way of viewing the game and life which everyone has its own.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? I found it by searching in the RS forums.
Runescape name (RSN): Warrior5697
Previous RSN's: None
Total level: 2424
Total xp: 175599121
Country and time zone: Portugal. GMT +0
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): None
Goals in Runescape: I love questing and I would like to get more 99's. And above of all have fun!
What are you favorite things to do on RS? Questing and skilling and clue scrolls and some minigames and D&D's.
What are you looking for in a clan? To make friends and have someone to play with. I am a nice and funny and chilly guy
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? As a new person I will give something new but I can contribute with my way of viewing the game and life which everyone has its own.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? I found it by searching in the RS forums.
Application accepted and invited. Welcome to Modest Skillers!
Modest Skillers
| T7 | 2500+