Runescape Name: Mars Maniac
Total Level: 1784
P2P Combat Level: 107
Is W114 your home world, if not will you make it your homeworld for the clan?
Yes, W114 is my homeworld
Do you live in Australia / New Zealand? NZ
Will you be Event Active & Clan Chat active? Yes
How Many events do you think you'll be able to attend a week?
At least 1 or 2, if not more.
Will you follow all the clan rules? Yes
Will you follow all Jagex rules? Yes
Are you in any other clans at the moment, or are recently leaving one? No
Will you be mature enough for this clan? Yes
Who advised or refered you to this clan? Senetric
What are your current goals in runescape?
Raising my lower levels, and my main goal has been 83 farming, which I am close to.
Do you like Quests? Yes
What do you consider yourself;
A) Omniskiller (Trains all skills, skilling & combat are all averagely the same)
B) Skiller (Trains skills more than combat)
C) Killer (Trains combat more than skills)
Answer: B) Skiller at the moment, though usually A) Omniskiller
24-Dec-2010 05:58:16