
DreamTeam - A Swedish RS Clan

Quick find code: 288-289-319-65001389



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level? 2761
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape? började 2007
- How often do you play RuneScape? lite nu och då men nästan dagligen
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam? min gamla klan 24h är död alla har slutat spela
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who? few fears och sailor lewis
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them? 24h
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know? nej
- What do you like to do when you are online? jobbar för att få tillbaka max cape och 120 capes
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?) ja
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who? sailor lewis tipsade om denna klan
- What are your current goals in game? 99 arch kötta 120s
- Do you accept the trial (9)? ja
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? ja

08-May-2020 17:20:06



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
Typ 2 år, till och från.
- How often do you play RuneScape?
Några kvällar i veckan. Blir kanske 10-ish timmar.
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
Kul med community.
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
Japp. Versaeil.
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?
- What do you like to do when you are online?
Kötta 99: or och lira EDs :)
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
EDs är kul
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
Verseail har surrat om er.
- What are your current goals in game?
Spela och ha kul samtidigt som man mosar sig upp mot fler 99 :o r
- Do you accept the trial (9)?
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?

10-May-2020 19:34:56 - Last edited on 10-May-2020 19:35:28 by Fuggsly

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?
- 2832
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
- Började precis innan Hd-uppdateringen 2008
- How often do you play RuneScape?
- Varje dag i princip, sålänge man är hemma
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
- Saknar känslan av att vara med i en bra svenska clan, tidigare varit med i ett antal mindre claner som snabbt dött ut.
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
- Ingen aning faktiskt men blev tipsad av DT Duck och Maz att joina då jag tog upp ämnet i fcn:n "Swe Chat" att jag just ville byta clan.
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
- Varit med i både helsvenska och internationella claner förut, bästa clanen med bäst minnen från måste varit Ecologics clan som jag tyvärr inte kommer ihåg namnet på då det var en stund sedan.
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?
- Hetat Apan i säkert 8-10 år nu, men innan det hette jag A P A N och apan727
- What do you like to do when you are online?
- Just nu Arkeologi, går för 120 (115 atm), efter det har jag som mål att gå för 120 i de skills som behövs för comp, kanske även gå för comp cape längre fram i tiden. Är främst en skiller, men gillar även att göra clues och att questa.
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
- Inte mycket för bossing men främst då jag aldrig provat och slösar allt för mycket pengar på skilling för att ha bra gear, minigames är alltid kul, speciellt med trevligt sällskap :P
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
- DT Duck och Maz
- What are your current goals in game?
- 120 i arch/farming/dung/herb och slayer
- Do you accept the trial (9)? Japp
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? Japp

27-Jun-2020 22:42:03



Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level? 2878

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape? 15 years

- How often do you play RuneScape? More or less every single day unless im away for work.

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam? For the community itself, for the nice people in there, and for finding nice people to pvm with and enjoy ttime with.

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who? Nicke, Light, ossy, K9 etc.

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them? Yes i have, the community in them died after a few months, not alot of people inte them.

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know? No

- What do you like to do when you are online? Pvm most of the time, but also some skilling.

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?) Bossing mostly, but also talking about random stuff.

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who? Heard about it many times from many diffrent friends.

- What are your current goals in game? 200m archaeology and title for Solak.

- Do you accept the trial (9)? Yes

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? Yes

12-Jul-2020 21:34:57 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2020 21:38:07 by Sollendado



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level? 2100
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape? 2006
- How often do you play RuneScape? Veckovis/Dagligen beroende på hur mycket jag måste resa inom jobbet
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam? Varit medlem i DT under ett par år tidigare men slutade med RS3 i cirka 3 år och är ej längre med i klanen. Skicka inv Emil <3
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who? Inte någon större koll på vilka som är aktiva längre.
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them? Varit medlem i VoS och DT sen tidigare.
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know? Nah
- What do you like to do when you are online? PvMar och skillar när jag vill ta det chill
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?) PvMar gärna med andra, tugga med randoms i chatten när jag är online, dela med mig av tips etc.
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who? Hade polare från VoS som varit med i DT sen början i princip och rekommenderade klanen för många år sen, gick själv med i DT typ 2015.
- What are your current goals in game? Försöker få upp stats till end game content
- Do you accept the trial (9)? Ja
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? Ja

14-Aug-2020 14:53:53 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2020 14:54:43 by Xizen

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