- What is your total level?
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
Sedan 2008
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
Vill vara del av en social clan
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
Ja, Norrbotten och D Hansson
- Have you been in other clans before?
Ja, Tbar och True Maxed
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?
- What do you like to do when you are online?
Slayer och Pvm
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
Kan vara kul
- How did you found our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
Av Norrbotten
- What are your current goals in game?
120 Inv
- Do you accept the trial (9)?
- Have you added Anjin, Emil and Skruv for easier contact in game? Ja
02-Jan-2017 21:30:10