1. To continue onto the application you must have read the clan rules on the first page of this thread. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules?
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Were you referred by anyone to apply? If so, who?
Was getting tired of all the drama in my previous clan, so I am seeking a high level clan with less drama and more active members. I was referred by 17kc.
3. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
40+ hours.
4. Do you speak English fluently?
5. Do you use TeamSpeak?
Would you be interested in using the Efficiency Experts server? I use TeamSpeak, and would definitely consider using the EE server.
6. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. (Dailies/routines/skills you train and how you go about doing them efficiently.)
Cap at extended divine locations, create vis wax, maw and flasks, extend daily crafting, train a current goal until cache, cache x2, then working on xp gains the rest of my login.
7. What are your current goals on RuneScape? What type of methods do you plan to use to achieve these goals efficiently?
I'm currently trying to get 2b overall, but my main focus is in theiving and inventor at the moment. Theiving I am doing dwarf traders with monkey/ ardy cloak/ seren spellls/ aura for 800k+/hr, and doing inventor with slayer and dags atm to accumulate charms for 200m summoning. Also just banked some seeds to pick back up daily farm runs so my farm doesn't get left behind.
Also, name was previously YUNGK0BE (with a zero) to look at xp gains if needed.
06-Feb-2016 21:36:02
- Last edited on
06-Feb-2016 21:38:15