1. To continue onto the application you must have read the clan rules on the first page of this thread. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules?
- yes
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Were you referred by anyone to apply? If so, who?
- looking for high level active community and i want to know best methods for future skilling
3. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
- depends on irl but actually im full time player, spending a lot of time for this game i would say even up to 90h/week
4. Do you speak English fluently?
- no but still learning
5. Do you use TeamSpeak? Would you be interested in using the Efficiency Experts server?
- yes currently i talk with my homies all day so i would join your server for sure
6. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. (Dailies/routines/skills you train and how you go about doing them efficiently.)
- dg daily>spins>herb run,cactus spine,morchella mushrooms,coconuts(all for money, got my own perfect rotation @farm runs presets/surging/crystal teleport seeds/ring of dueling)>divine locations>mm>crystal blossom tree>viswaxs>pop>robust glass>reaper task>high lvl pvm/slayer>afking fm when i cant focus on the game>another herb runs whenever its possible>bork daily/skeletal horror, rob, circus, pengs, tog, meg weekly/god statues, trolls monthly/treasure trails and strange rocks from time to time, always reading all news n patch notes!
7. What are your current goals on RuneScape? What type of methods do you plan to use to achieve these goals efficiently?
- currently building my bank for invention (wanna get my comp asap) after that probably gonna back to slayer 200m thats what im going for, of course only best slayer tasks (back in time i had even up to 2,5m slayer daily no bxp), 200m all combat skills, herb, summon, dung, farming that my goals after that probably gonna get other 120s also wanna back to warbands but lost my team
thanks for your time (im currently on
30-Nov-2015 11:23:52