1. To continue onto the application you must have read the clan rules on the first page of this thread. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules?
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts?
I've been guesting in here for a week or so now, really enjoying it. I like to meet other people that play mainly for exp. I like to know the best methods for everything and feel like this is the best place for me. (And because FFA is making me join)
3. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
Depending on my work schedule it can range from 75-100
4. Do you speak English fluently?
5. Do you use TeamSpeak? Would you be interested in using the Efficiency Experts server?
I use Teamspeak daily and would definitely be interested.
6. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. (Dailies/routines/skills you train and how you go about doing them efficiently.)
I usually do my DG daily when I login (Keeping that daily until 120 dg, then moving it to smith/crafting)
I've been slacking on dailies for the past month, regrettably, as my work schedule tires me out a bit ;p But this will improve shortly, which will then consist of:
Sinkholes/Cache/Runesphere/**v locs/Char/Wbs
Once I'm done with that, I'll move onto cooking/herb which is what I'm working on right now. 3ticking rocktails is mainly what my day consists of.
7. What are your current goals on RuneScape? What type of methods do you plan to use to achieve these goals efficiently?
My current goal is 120 all. I do hope to achieve 200m all sometime in the future by doing all dailies I can, making money on an alt for the buyables etc.
120 agility has always been something I want so I will be doing BA for bxp in that, to use my feathers. I will be doing 200m slayer before any other 200m that I do not have as of yet, for the chance of brawlers. Maintaining 200m exp a month is something I want to always keep at, aslong as I have the skills to make this possible
18-Nov-2015 19:00:01