Ugh! More bad news, I just realized I missed my weekly progress on the daily challenge. I was almost at 100. I was expecting some amazing rewards for 100, but all that was wiped out by a rogue supercell storm.
Power was knocked out for over 24 hours. I could have blamed the new skill for distracting me, but in reality it was a geological issue. If the Earth's surface was shaped in a slightly different way my streak would be intact.
What an amazing coincidence, Jagex has now decided to remove daily challenges. Can't make any of this up, which is why I like to get my stuff out there in advance.
With the help of our Data Team, we’ve identified specific cohorts of players that we’d like to work closely with to understand their concerns. We'll be inviting these players to share their thoughts with us and tell us what they'd like to improve about Sailing. The 44,153 of you who voted 'no' are the most important voices of all - plenty of people can tell us why Sailing is great, but only you can tell us what needs to change. So speak up - let's work together to make Sailing work for everyone.
Here's a funny bit from the OSRS site. I guess their grouping efforts have paid off, with the identification of specific cohorts!
Watch out for those cohorts, they are everywhere. Here they have gained a special importance. The people who can say it is great cannot say what needs to change. So it is written.
Maybe they could join a different cohort. It's super easy.
I am here to rant on the change to daily challenges without notice and now I don't have enough keys to finish my outfit due to the changes made to daily challenges in the middle of a week of challenges with no notice. Jagoffs don't change stuff without notifying players paying for membership.