Well, I did my good deed for the day today. Logged in at the GE, and say this player whos gear just screamed "I'm a noob". Orichalchum armour and weapons, with a Zamorak rune helm, and an Amulet of Accuracy. So, I was like, I know what this guy needs, and went in my bank, pulled out one of my charged Glories, and gave it to him. He honestly didn't know that you want melee bonus for melee instead of ranged. I told him to pay me back by helping the next person he saw who needed help.
Figure if we all help eachother out whenever we can, the game comes out better for it.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
And honestly if I'd had a large stockpile of furies i probably would have given one of those. But I only have one of those. Have tons of glories cause I use em for teleporting and wildy shit. Think I got like 50 or 60 of em.No real reason to stockpile furies though, unlike glories.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.