I just came back for a check-up on my account, and found out I lost 95% of all worth in my account because I stored most in snow parasol and snow cape.
I just lost the 600m I made in nearly 15 years of playing because you suddenly break convention and re-release a holiday item 4 YEARS LATER???
They basically never stated, that those items will remain discontinued and the only MTX items they did for were the fish mask (albeit one may see how valuable it is 10 years later) and the 'of seasons' thingies. The only discontinued ingame tradeables are the 2001/2002 holiday rewards and the golden partyhat (since for that one they specifically stated that it will never return). Everything else may return sooner or later - so scalping may land on your feet or not - that time it did. By 2018 you long could have known this.
(F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes:
22-Dec-2022 06:05:08
- Last edited on
22-Dec-2022 06:05:37
This will continue with other th items unfortunately. I expect to lose bank on my purp hween if it gets rereleased at the next grim harvest. Jagex loves using the word "rare" to entice more keys bought for that promo that rewards X promo item. I would have loved it if the snow parasol and snow capes didn't come back and were instead replaced with visually distinct different skins, like a slush parasol and slush capes. Sad to see players to bank on their investments.