No, you all mistake me. Not trolling. I want rgu closed, perm. Maybe the whole rsof, it's sad, broken, useless, and sofa king boring now.
I'm not here to verbally joust pple so deep below me, u don't realize it's a cemetery you're in.
Claustrophobic, from the mental/physical coffin I lay u in?
Please, proceed, by all means.
None of u will be the first or last persons who thought walking upright on 2 legs could best me.
Ha, I've been chewing up grown men since I was 12-13.
Just know b4 u start, I warned u.
Don't start a fire u or GodAllah/Yahweh/Bodi/ or ur atheistic blaze' faire shenanigans.
21-May-2021 11:18:00