I also do not think that the RGU sub-forum should be removed. As it stands, it's currently service its purpose. I actually enjoy seeing "moved" threads because it means that Forum Moderators are helping with the clean-up and are moving threads where they belong. Yes, it isn't aesthetically pleasing to the eye nor to the RGU sub-forum itself (or to any other, for that matter), but it's what's right and I welcome that.
Da Dope Pope
No, you all mistake me. Not trolling. I want rgu closed, perm. Maybe the whole rsof, it's sad, broken, useless, and sofa king boring now.
I'm not here to verbally joust pple so deep below me, u don't realize it's a cemetery you're in.
Claustrophobic, from the mental/physical coffin I lay u in?
Please, proceed, by all means.
None of u will be the first or last persons who thought walking upright on 2 legs could best me.
Ha, I've been chewing up grown men since I was 12-13.
Just know b4 u start, I warned u.
Don't start a fire u or GodAllah/Yahweh/Bodi/ or ur atheistic blaze' faire shenanigans.
I think a forum has purposes more than just entertaining some users. I seriously don't think a forum should be closed because certain users think it is boring.
Personally, I use the GE all the time so the Marketplace forums is uttermost boring to me, but TBH, this is not a justification for closing it.
I mean, it's kinda hard to post about recent updates when there haven't been any notable updates in months
Not really. Even on Page 10 of the RGU, we still see threads dated March, or about 2 months ago. There have been plenty of posts in the RGU, and we are going to get a lot more as the Elder Godwar saga will be beginning in just 3 days.
Mrs Ana
I also do not think that the RGU sub-forum should be removed. As it stands, it's currently service its purpose. I actually enjoy seeing "moved" threads because it means that Forum Moderators are helping with the clean-up and are moving threads where they belong. Yes, it isn't aesthetically pleasing to the eye nor to the RGU sub-forum itself (or to any other, for that matter), but it's what's right and I welcome that.