This is a suggestion thread to help inform people how to find Forum Help (see above), and also about how it can be made more accessible.
The official Forum Help sticky doesn't show up in your search results because stickied and locked threads by default don't show up, unless you manually change your search filter (Sort/Filter) each time. Forum Help also *isn't* in this Website and Forums subforum, because that subforum is for feedback and improvements to the Runescape website and the RSOF (Runescape Official Forums)
Swap the title again as per your request. In non-specialist forum lists it takes the top spot in searches done. If people have specialist forum access as well it may not list as the top spot.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
Ah, it still shows up as the first result!! --There don't seem to be other 'Forum Help' threads that are active, well, except for the *actual* sticky...but it's also a sticky
Even if they did, it's not their fault the search function isn't set up properly. I also reported any stray posts I saw onto the actual Forum Help, as well as told the newbies what to do and what's going on
All the forums newbs who don't know how to find Forum Help, and find it because of my thread, don't post because they're forum newbs because they don't post much overall.
This is a silent problem, but one that persists nonetheless.