Mod Meadows
FiFi LaFeles
Don't lose sight of the fact here that I am not the enemy. I am not the one proposing taking away something that people say they love and cherish.
I mean, I wouldn't say I'm the enemy either... but you make valid points.
Removing the glue now.
Mod Meadows.
<a href="">@JagexMeadows</a>
~RuneScape Community Management.
Are you going to eat that glue or can I eat the glue?
~God is a Poro~ NA Akali main ~Poro Lover~
I've hidden comments that are talking about a specific FMod, there is no reason for any of you to target a member of the FMod team.
While you may disagree with them, it is not acceptable or appropriate to talk about someone somewhere they cannot defend themselves. I think this is incredibly unfair, and it's a shame that members of the forum community are acting in this way.