Whilst I will admit a huge curiosity for what the distant future holds, and so many amazing things I would get to see, a chance to read every book, watch every film, do everything I ever wanted to do, I don't think I would want to live forever.
At least, not under certain conditions.
1 - I continue to age. Eventually, I'd reach a point where my body simply can't sustain itself, but exists because I cannot die. If I reached a point (say my physical best) and then remained constantly at that health, then I think I'd be okay with that.
2 - I'm the only one who is immortal. Could you imagine the pain of knowing you're going to outlive everyone you know and care about? Knowing that you will, eventually, see the death of your children, and their children, your lovers, friends, everyone. It'd just be so depressing to look back at all the people you knew and are now deceased, and know that every other person you meet will end up the same way.
But, if everyone lives forever, then the world will become seriously overpopulated, and the world couldn't sustain us all, so many would simply be living skeletons and in constant pain.
3 - Knowing I'd never die would make me the worst procrastinator ever. I'd never do anything special because "I can always do it tomorrow".
4 - If I wanted to leave this world behind and surrender my immortality, I could. If I succumbed to some awful and painful disease, knowing I could never die would be the ultimate torment.
So, whilst I'm in no rush for the Grim Reaper to come visiting, I'd rather he visited eventually, than never at all.
I think I'd like to live for a long time (prolonged, not forever), but I know, eventually, I'd have to leave this world behind.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
08-Sep-2016 00:07:11