E: Found a little something, no idea how common it is
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Just a quick heads up. There will be some
RuneFest news in today's <a href="www.twitch.tv/runescape">Developer Q&A (16:00 Game Time)</a>.
Trying to link us to the RS twitch page, but it 404s instead. It happens with or without Linkify, so a Jagerror I guess
Selective Completionist
16-Jun-2015 13:25:04
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16-Jun-2015 16:59:09
He forgot http:// as it will otherwise try to link somewhere on the page or a subpage.
Edit: Okay I'm trying to build up an API page for the RSW. It amazed me for awhile that we did not have one outside of an extremely detailed section for just the Bestiary. If I'm missing any on that page that are not in my todo, I'd be very thankful.
16-Jun-2015 23:17:08
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17-Jun-2015 07:31:57
Ryan M
*Insert big cup of coffee for Indy*
Ty and here's one for you
Trying to link us to the RS twitch page, but it 404s instead. It happens with or without Linkify, so a Jagerror I guess
What Ryan M said appears to be correct, they just messed up the link prefix. Looks like it was just a link to their channel.
Ryan M
Okay I'm trying to build up an API page for the RSW. It amazed me for awhile that we did not have one outside of an extremely detailed section for just the Bestiary. If I'm missing any on that page that are not in my todo, I'd be very thankful.
Wow looks awesome. I have only had a quick look so far but it looks like pretty nice and you have lots covered. Can't think of anything to add, but if I do think of something I'll let you know
Well after looking at Linkify again, now I understand playerDetails a little better.
I've added variables for practically everything that I've noticed other than the URLs and Phrasebook for SGS because I cba to make what is the equivalent of an i18n MediaWiki page.
Edit: I've completed the page for everything that I'm aware of outside of the HTML5 Companion App and how it retrieves item information. To which, I don't think I'm going to put more effort into as it's a fool's prospect. There is also the bootstrap.js and the player count, but I think most ignore those. Still sad that the CSV file for all servers is gone for the past 3 years.
I did think of player count but at the same time thought it's not really needed. Besides it's the sort of the thing that needs to be hit continually at regular intervals making it better suited to google apps imo.
Very happy Linkify helped with the playerDetails, love it when that happens
Now we just need a way to query Voice of Seren. The first website to display a real time VoS clock would provide something unique and useful.
I would like to know when I have clicked on a thread. For example, this forum does that by having "watching glasses" on the right side of the thread title/line:
Perhaps you could add different things, like if you have just clicked on it, there can be a mouse cursor. If you post, there can be like.... a keyboard?
I also wish you had some sort of way via Linkify to favorite a thread.
Anyways, that's all for now. I love everything about this thread and Linkify <3 ty ty ty
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
All I do anymore is fish - 2017
19-Jun-2015 08:56:31
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19-Jun-2015 08:56:58
Body btw
Would you be interested in having them embed into the forums again?
I'll have a closer look at how that'll work if so~
Any feedback on it would be appreciated, it's not too different visually from the previous version but it's much easier to maintain and I've made changes to the back end so it'll be able to store votes more efficiently.
I used angular this time, and I think I followed the 'angular' way of doing things fairly well - until I got towards the end when quick patches were a faster solution. I might get around to neatening it up one day~
Been playing around a little with a test poll and it looks and feels really nice.
I'm really keen to implement your polls and I have already started working on embedding. I have one minor issue though, the height parameter seems a little off.
Assume this url has been posted (selected from the embed option)
The result looks like this...
Is there anyway to eliminate the need for scrollbars for the polls? Or have I missed something? I have tried a few variations for the iframe src but the result is the same. I understand that there needs to be a max height.
I'm not sure if results appears to be different height than the poll, but I thought the results appeared to be a different size. I haven't double checked though so disregard if I'm mistaken.
If you like I can push out an update that will embed the polls so you see what I mean, let me know if you'd like me to do that
Anyway that's merely a cosmetic thing, really appreciate what you have done and I can't wait to see it in use
Version will wrap embed links in an iframe for testing purposes
I have tried doing that and my main problem is linkify doesn't know when a thread no longer exists, so you end up lots of data stored that has no use. The more data the slower linkify becomes and there is a limit on how much I can store.
Basically I have a number of obstacles to overcome and I'm not sure I can do it well from within the scope of the browser. It is something I'm still looking i
20-Jun-2015 03:38:03
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20-Jun-2015 05:22:14
Indecent Act